Month: March 2008

Convincing the Soul of All the Evil Of It

Some John Owen for your Monday…   “Let faith look on Christ in the gospel as He is set forth dying and crucified for us. Look on Him under the weight of your sins, praying, bleeding, dying; bring Him in that condition into your heart by faith; apply His blood so shed to your corruptions. Do this daily… And this is the first thing that the Spirit does in order to the mortification of any lust whatsoever–it convinces the soul of the evil of it, cuts off all its pleas, discovers all its deceits, stops all its evasions, answers its pretenses, makes the soul own its abomination and lie down under the sense of it…the Spirit alone brings the Cross of Christ into our hearts with its sin-killing power…”

The Pastor As CEO/Leader/Insert Any Business Adjective Here

Michael Horton writes about the apostle Paul:”Who, having advertised for an outgoing team builder with a contagious personality, would have hired a pastor who openly disclosed the fact that he was not a great communicator, suffered everywhere he was sent, was nearly blind, and lacked the natural charisma of the “super-apostles,” who were only too happy to point out these weaknesses themselves?” Read the excellent article here. {HT: DB}     Also, Ruth Tucker weighs in on Jesus’ “failed” leadership. Both articles are well worth reading since our church culture values “pastorpreneurs” and “servant leadership” {which is usually clothed with secular business principles and values}. 

Preaching Points

ppoints.jpg   This one’s for the preachers….Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary has a podcast {available through iTunes} designed for encouraging preachers to hone their craft. It’s usually a 5 minute discussion about a particular aspect of preaching and comes out each Monday. I’ve downloaded a few and they are well worth the listen. Dr. Haddon Robinson is one of the contributors. You can find more info here.  

Is Tithing Biblical?

D.A. Carson has a great response to this question, which you can read here.   My response is-   

  • 1} Try not to STRESS numbers and percentages like 10%  {in actuality, the Old Testament saint gave around 30%- so if you talk numbers, shoot for this one}. 

  • 2} STRESS adjectives and phrases from 2nd Corinthians 8-9 like “overflow in a wealth of generosity…” “gave according to their means…and beyond their means…” “readiness…”  “desire…” “for the glory of the Lord…” “sow bountifully…” “as you have decided in your heart, not relunctantly or under compulsion…” “cheerful…” “generous…”